Sunday, October 24, 2010

100th Post: I Heart My Readers!

How apropos that my 100th post is during this time of year, since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I want to thank my readers for being so great. I appreciate all of you!

I also want to apologize for slacking a little on my horror film reviews. Unfortunately, my vacation and suffering through one of the worst colds I've had in a few years took their toll on my writing motivation. (Sheer laziness from enjoying not having to work also probably figures in.) Thanks for bearing with me. Now that I've caught myself up, you can look forward to reviews of some of my absolute favorite horror flicks leading up to Halloween on Sunday, Oct 31st.

There's no accounting for taste (especially not mine), so I want to reiterate that these are my favorite films, not an ultimate list of the best movies. As always, feel free to disagree and post your own favorites in the comments.

Also, I'd really like to make this a yearly thing, so please tell me what you enjoyed and what I can work on for next year.

Here's to 100 more, guys!

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I heart my readers! Thanks so much for your comments!